More On Height Maps


In this tutorial, our goal is to understand height maps, a method used to generate realistic terrain. Height-maps are easy to use, customizable yet produce impressive terrain:

What we are going to try and achieve


How to do this?

How height-maps work

Understanding height maps is the main objective of this tutorial. A height map is simply a gray-scale texture. Each pixel in the texture maps onto the height of a point on a plane, thus the name height-map. The whiter the pixel the higher the displacement, the darker the lesser the displacement. From the variations of gray within the texture we can map out a terrain. For this example we shall use the following texture:


To help you generate height-map textures (like the one above), you can use software such as Terragen, or Picogen (free).

Javascript code

Now let’s see this powerful function named CreateGroundFromHeightMap:

// Create a material with our land texture.
let groundMaterial = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("ground", scene);
groundMaterial.diffuseTexture = new BABYLON.Texture("Earth__land.jpg", scene);
// Use CreateGroundFromHeightMap to create a height map of 20 units by 20
// And a height of to
// units, with 250 subdivisions in each of the `x` and `z` directions, for a
// total of 62,500 divisions.
const ground = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateGroundFromHeightMap("gdhm", "textures/heightMap.png", {
width: 20, height: 20, subdivisions: 250, maxHeight: 10, minHeight: 2
// Bind our material to our mesh
ground.material = groundMaterial;

The parameters passed are:

  • name: The name of the resulting mesh
  • Height-map texture: The URL of the height-map texture.
  • options: The options for producing the height-map.
  • scene: The scene to append the resulting mesh
  • updatable: Boolean to specify if the mesh should be updatable.
  • successCallback: Callback that resolves to the successfully produced height-map terrain.

The following are options, third parameter, used to construct the height-mapped plane:

  • width: The width of the plane
  • height: The height of the plane
  • minHeight: Lowest point on the plane
  • maxHeight: Highest point on the plane
  • subdivisions: How detailed should our height-mapped plane be. Higher for higher poly count and therefore better visual quality. As seen below:
  • HeightMap4

Now we can see a 3d representation of the earth's surface on a plane!


Another example showing basic lighting, height-maps and a skybox in use!



If a height-map negatively impacts performance try reducing the subdivisions to reduce the number of polygons on the mesh. For further documentation go here.

Playground examples.

Height Map Example