Make the Best Use of the Forum

The Babylon.js forum is a fantastic place to get help or help others. This short page is intended to help you get the best answer as quickly as possible.

What to do if you have a question for the forum

The best way to get an answer quickly is to follow this 3 easy steps:

  • Search about your issue on the documentation. Maybe the problem you have is just a matter of understanding how the API works?
  • Search about your issue on the forum. Maybe someone else already had the same problem?
  • Provide a reproduction of your issue within the playground. Questions with a playground are likely to get a answer within the next two hours. It is really hard for the community to help without a repro because of the inner rich nature of JavaScript, WebGL and Babylon.js. Consider this step mandatory.

Go Explore

Thank you so much for taking the time to read through these first 3 starting pages of the documentation. We sincerely hope that they will help you get started off with a solid foundation and help you accelerate your learning.

The next step in your learning journey is entirely your choice, but if you're looking for suggestions, then we'd recommend either diving into the Babylon.js Features category to start using Babylon and learn about the rich capabilities of the engine....OR....visiting the Adding Babylon.js to Your Web Project category to learn how to get your Babylon.js web application set up successfully.

Further reading